Biggest FEAR Of Each Zodiac Sign Revealed

Have you ever wondered about what it is that keeps the signs up at night with fear and scares them more than anything else?
Some signs fear change. Others fear losing their freedom. In fact every sign has something that genuinely makes them shutter when they think about it.
Here are some of the things that the zodiac signs fear more than anything in the world.

Aries… fears being forgotten or going unnoticed.

Aries sets out to make a big impact and as a result one of their biggest inner fears is simply failing to make the kind of mark on the world that they envision for themself. They have a strong desire to leave a legacy and the idea that their accomplishments and achievements might one day be forgotten is one that can keep them awake at night.

Taurus… fears unexpected change.

Sudden Changes
The Taurus personality craves stability, organization and structure in their life and as a result they can often fear any big or disruptive changes that may be coming their way. They are creatures of habit and can have a harder time dealing with sudden and unexpected shifts than other zodiac signs and as a result it’s something that they can worry about a lot.

Gemini… fears losing their freedom or succumbing to routine.

Trapped In Routine
The personality of the Gemini is notoriously restless and they are independent creatures who like to always be on the move and to be experiencing new things. As a result they often have a big fear of becoming trapped and of losing their freedom and they will do anything that they can to avoid falling into a boring and monotonous routine.

Cancer… fears rejection and that people won’t like them.

Cancers are well-known to be sensitive souls and because of this they can sometimes take negative criticism and rejection to heart. As a result they can find themselves holding back for fear that people will not like them or will judge them poorly.

Leo… fears being forgotten or ignored.

Lonely Teddy Bear
Leos can’t stand to be ignored and they hate to be made to feel invisible. Their worst fear is that they will fall out with or be forgotten by the people that they love the most and have them disappear from their life completely.

Virgo… fears that they wont be able to live up to their own high expectations.

Big Obstacle And High Expectations

Virgos can be perfectionist at times and as a result they can often place extremely high and sometimes even unrealistic expectations on themselves and then stress that they will fail to then live up to those standards. Sometimes they really shouldn’t be so hard on themselves because all of that worry doesn’t do them any good.

Libra… fears making the wrong decision.

Important Decision
Libras are logical and analytical creatures who think carefully before making important life decisions. One of their biggest fears is that they will one day make a miscalculation and take a wrong turn along the way that screws up everything that they have worked so hard for.

Scorpio… fears betrayal.

Scorpios take abuses of trust very personally and one of their biggest fears is being betrayed by someone that they are close to. They have an extremely hard time regaining trust with someone and once it is broken and they aren’t the type to just ‘forgive and forget’ so easily.

Sagittarius… fears losing their freedom.

The Sagittarius prides themself on their independence and they need to be able to act freely in order to be happy. Their worst fear is being boxed in or trapped into a lifestyle where they have no say over how their life is run and they will often go to great lengths to avoid this.

Capricorn… fears failure and that they wont achieve their dreams.

Stormy Days
The Capricorn personality is one that is constantly striving towards success and have high expectations for what they want to do and accomplish in life. One of their biggest fears is that they will fail to make the type of impact in the world that they hope to make.

Aquarius… fears losing their individuality or having to compromise their character.

Aquarius likes to do things their way and they fear that one day they will have to compromise on their values or conform to society in a way that they simply do not want. They value their independence greatly and can’t stand it when people try to enforce their own rules and values upon them.

Pisces… fears rejection and loneliness.

Feelong Alone
Pisces have a lot of love to give and when they commit to a relationship they do so will all of their heart. One of their biggest fears however is that they wont be able to find someone that will be able to reciprocate all of that love. They sometimes suffer from low self-esteem leading them to doubt their odds of finding their perfect match.
source: zodiacfire

The Animal You See First In This Picture Reveals Hidden Details About Your Personality

Like a classic inkblot test, abstract images can reveal noteworthy details about your personality and the way you think. While you might describe yourself as withdrawn, shy, and cautious, perhaps there is a ferocious predator lurking behind your quiet nature.

You can find out exactly what hidden personality traits you have by taking this abstract image assessment. Look at the image, then scroll down for your customized personality analysis.

Look at the image below:
What did you see first?  Remember to be honest!  It will produce the best results!
1. The group of zebras
If this is you, you’re a charismatic person! You are willing to sacrifice for the needs of others in your group. And you are aware of the fact that together, you are all stronger. You use your anonymity to your advantage, employing it to achieve your goals. However, as an individual, you falter. This is where you lack will-power. Remain mindful of that fact.
2. The lion
You have an enormous ego and you know it! You have no qualms about pursuing your prey without much regard for others, and when you catch it, you devour it sans mercy. While your individual strength is impressive, it does have one weakness. You grow weary easily and you fall short, but you find it difficult to work on a team.
3. The bird sitting on the zebra
If the bird is what you saw first, this means you have a remarkable sense for detail. It is likely you are a perfectionist, at least in one area of your life. You are a fair, objective person, and you strive to live a good life.
4. The lion and the zebras simultaneously
Wow! Look at you! Did you know that only 5% of people saw both the lion and zebras at the same time? This means that you’re one of the few who can, in certain circumstances, be both a lion and the zebra. What a powerful dynamic ability! This makes you a force to be reckoned with, as you are not only a ruthless predator but also a fantastic leader.

Receive Your Psychic Message By Selecting A Sacred Geometric Shape

Your beautiful spirit has a message for you.  Ask of your spirit what is it that you need to be aware of in this present moment, then select the sacred geometric Shape that calls to you loud and clear.


You may have been thinking about changing up your routine, releasing negative habits, and or eating more cleanly.  Spirit says that this may not the time to change your diet, your exercise routine or even begin that cleanse you were thinking about starting. Right now there is already a bit of disturbance in your life and to add another shift in your life may be overdoing it and cause you to unnecessarily spiral. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't change things up but rather it would be best to wait a couple of weeks for when you are in a stronger mental, emotional and physical space. You will be more grounded and have a greater chance for success if you were to wait a couple of weeks.


As you are well aware these days there is a whole lot of releasing and letting go of people and or situations that are not in your best interest. The good news is that the shifts and letting go are 100% all the stuff that was weighing you down. During the next 3 weeks keep in mind that all that shifts, changes and released are for your highest and best good. Try to not resist what is occurring in your physical world because divine order and divine influence are at play here. Also, try to keep overanalyzing to a minimum.


You will be meeting new people and formulating healthier, more loving and fulfilling relationships. Because of the self-healing and awareness that you have been working so hard to apply into your life, you are at a different consciousness level and are in alignment with like-minded kindred souls that have much in common with you on this energetic plane. Enjoy yourself, go out have fun and embrace these new relationships.


Receive Your Psychic Message By Selecting A Sacred Geometric Shape

Your beautiful spirit has a message for you. 

Ask of your spirit what is it that you need to be aware of in this present moment, then select the sacred geometric Shape that calls to you loud and clear.


You may have been thinking about changing up your routine, releasing negative habits, and or eating more cleanly.  Spirit says that this may not the time to change your diet, your exercise routine or even begin that cleanse you were thinking about starting. Right now there is already a bit of disturbance in your life and to add another shift in your life may be overdoing it and cause you to unnecessarily spiral. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't change things up but rather it would be best to wait a couple of weeks for when you are in a stronger mental, emotional and physical space. You will be more grounded and have a greater chance for success if you were to wait a couple of weeks.


As you are well aware these days there is a whole lot of releasing and letting go of people and or situations that are not in your best interest. The good news is that the shifts and letting go is 100% all the stuff that was weighing you down. During the next 3 weeks keep in mind that all that shifts, changes and released is for your highest and best good. Try to not resist what is occurring in your physical world because divine order and divine influence is at play here. Also, try to keep over analyzing to a minimum.


You will be meeting new people and formulating healthier, more loving and fulfilling relationships. Because of the self healing and awareness that you have been working so hard to apply into your life, you are at a different consciousness level and are in alignment with like-minded kindred souls that have much in common with you on this energetic plane. Enjoy yourself, go out have fun and embrace these new relationships.


How to Spot a Narcissist Disguised As An Empath

There seems to be a rising trend in people claiming that they are “energetically sensitive”. I get emails all the time from concerned readers stating that they have been manipulated by someone that claims to be aligned with them spiritually, only to discover they had a hidden agenda. Many times, it’s sneaky dudes (and ladies of course) that learn the lingo and feed it back to someone hoping to get approval. It’s a sad band-aid solution to feeling worthy. 

People may pose as “twin flames” or “soul mates” stating that they know each other from a previous lifetime. In fact, I know a guy that used to be addicted to online dating and would let many different women know that they were “the one” as soon as he felt the trust had been built up enough to exploit it.

When I was 19, I fell in love with a guy that ran a local meditation centre. He told me I was “special” and he could discern that I was a good match for him vibrationally. In fact, my level of “spirituality” would grow as the result of being in a relationship with him, or so he assured me. I fell into a dangerous trap of ignoring my intuition that lasted for 10 years. To be fair, we both display narcissistic traits because we felt so disconnected from one another, even though we shared two beautiful children.

Being an empath and an intuitive is a blessing, but it can also be a curse. For the “real deals” out there, we have been given extremely accurate bullshit detectors so we can usually smell the energy of a faker a million miles away. This level of knowing is usually the result have having direct experience in a relationship that turned sour.
But what if you miss the signs? What if you start a relationship with someone that keeps you an emotional hostage?

We know the traits to watch out for when we encounter a shape-shifting, egomaniacal sponge pretending to be something that they’re not. They usually leave little clues that they’re more interested in themselves than being an active participant in the expansive consciousness of humanity.

Lack of compassion and empathy in emotional situations is usually the big red flag that signals a warning.

You might receive upsetting news and your narcissistic soulmate might make it all about them.
There are infinite definitions of what a true narcissist embodies. The base-line definition is that they pretend to be more important than they are. All of their needs required to be met first, and they are unable to be part of a mutual emotional support system. This stems from an overpowering feeling of insecurity and lack of worthiness, that usually harks back to childhood issues of parents believing they had limited capabilities or perhaps they could never achieve the “perfection” their parents would have wanted.

The narcissist is always on a mission to prove themselves, but in a “spiritual” context this can be become alarmingly dangerous.

Energy discernment and management is a skill that takes years to cultivate and years to practice. The person that believes that they have “awakened” or “unfolded” EVERYTHING in their lives is missing the mark. It’s not possible. This whole “life” business is a journey, and no one has it all figured out. Only a very select few know and experience true “enlightenment”.

The best way to handle someone that is pretending to be “spiritual” or an intuitive empath is to get out of their orbit as fast as you can. As soon as you feel that little intuitive nudge that someone is trying to drain your soul-battery, you MUST detach yourself because it’s a game you just can’t win. As a human being, there will be times in your life where you need love and support, but the “faker” that gets preoccupied with the illusionary nature of life will never give you what you need. You’ll never feel safe, you’ll never feel heard and you’ll always feel like you can’t trust them with anything because you can’t believe they’ll ever be able to be fully present with you without thinking of themselves first.

My belief is that true spirituality is cultivating a deep connection with the Universe first, being present in each moment, talking care of yourself emotionally and releasing all expectations of others.

Yes, you can totally grow through being in a dysfunctional relationship – but the time arises when you realize it’s time for you to release the burden and flourish in your life.

Love is supposed to be kind, compassionate, supportive and connected, and self-love and rising up with bravery is even sweeter. In April, it will be 7 years since I left my first marriage and left with 2 suitcases, 2 beautiful children and over $30,000 of debt. In that time I have healed, found love, given birth, moved countries, worked with thousands of people, honoured my voice and built a multi-million dollar business model with the love of my life. Something really magical happens when you take responsibility for the things that aren’t working and you consciously choose to rise above fear and do something about it.

source: sarahprout

Choose An Image To See Which Stage Of Life You Are Experiencing

We all undergo fundamental changes as we progress through life; it’s inevitable. But surprisingly, it has nothing to do with age! According to Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, these stages have to do with who we are as individuals and our purpose in life.
Choose an image below and we’ll reveal which stage of life you are currently experiencing:
Now find yours, and read it’s description below:
1. The Athlete
The athlete phase is the least mature phase among all the phases in life. It is characterized by being obsessed with our appearance and physique. The athlete phase can be narcissistic, critical, or even both. One typical example of this is teenagers, but also people who were raised by narcissistic parents.
2. The Warrior
As we move on to the Athlete phase, we get to the warrior phase. Here is where we begin assuming responsibilities and having the desire to be successful in life. Our goals and objectives seem to get a little clearer and we slowly bloom as individuals.
3. Declaration
Maturity-wise, the Declaration phase is a huge step forward. The Declaration phase is often related to raising children and focusing on leading them to a better life. However, this phase is not solely about raising children – it is about leaving a legacy behind in life. This is the best time to reflect on what you have achieved – not only for yourself but for others in your life.
4. The Spirit
The Spiritual phase is the final stage of life. In this phase, we realize that we’re more than what we’ve accumulated: be it money, friends, possessions, good deeds, or milestones. We realize we’re spiritual beings on a life journey which has no real beginning or end. The spiritual phase is about giving off the light and nourishing, having without possessing, acting without expectation, leading without trying to control.

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