THIS Is The Biggest Difference Between A FAKE Empath And A Real One
You’ve probably heard someone calling themselves an Empath and describing themselves as oversensitive.

But most people who use this term are just a-holes hiding behind the terminology.

They have been hurt at some point in their life (like we all have) and they try to justify their weakness by hiding behind this term. It’s like their shield.
They are safe from questioning themselves because they’ve identified with being an ‘Empath’ – someone who feels too much and is here to help the world with their emotions because everyone else is ruining it. At least that’s what they make out of it.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are real empaths who have psychochemical imbalance and respond to the outside world more sensitively than others.
Because their emotions are a big part of their life, bigger than for other people, their emotional intelligence is slightly higher.
That’s not something they carry on their forehead, telling everyone they meet they are empaths. Just like a person with an OCD doesn’t open a conversation with ‘because I am over intelligent and see patterns everywhere…’
It doesn’t matter if you see patterns others can’t, if you feel too much, if you eat only vegetables, or like to meditate. Being a good person is beyond that.
It demands to face your own demons, not hiding away from them and projecting them upon the world.
And that’s something most people would rather mask, in return creating the bad world they blame everyone else for.

Here is how a FAKE Empath sees the world:Fake Empath

Empath:  One who has a high degree of sensitivity and caring to the feelings of others, to the point it can become a problem. If your client is occasionally saddened by ads about abandoned animals or starving children, it’s because they have a unique and wonderful superpower. Please note that one of the most common signs that your client is an empath is that he/she is highly responsive to flattery.
Sociopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of a romantic relationship. Examples include someone who forgets an anniversary, leaves the toilet seat in the wrong position, forgets to pick something up from the store, or has to be told to pick something up from the store.
Psychopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of the breakup of a romantic relationship. Symptoms include having different tastes in movies or TV or music than an empath does or forgetting to pick something up from the store twice in a row.
Narcissist: A person they care for that doesn’t give them an equal amount of attention, and is more focused on their self. A simple interaction with them is emotionally draining because ‘Empaths’ invest too much of themselves in the ‘relationship’ giving everything to the other person, and they get abused. The other person might simply don’t care that much, or don’t feel the same way.
Caring and Concerned: What empaths are when they express negative feelings.
Rageaholic: What sociopaths, narcissists or psychopaths are when they express their negative feelings to an empath.
Indigo Child: The offspring of an empath. An evolved soul who expresses him/herself freely and does not like being disciplined.
Demon Child: The offspring of a sociopath, narcissist or psychopath. May occasionally require discipline. Inherently inferior to an Indigo Child in every way.
Soulmate: That person you’ve been on three really good dates with.
Twin Flame: That same person after you’ve been in a good relationship for three months.
Satan Incarnate: That same person after you’ve lived with him/her for six months.

Here is how a real empath sees the world:

“I am a human being just like everyone else. I don’t care who you are if you are a good person I will like you. If you are not, I don't like you. But each and every single living being deserves respect, even the ones you hate the most.
You have every right in the whole world to not like me, just like I have every right in the whole world to not like you. I don’t need to judge you, but sometimes I will, and that’s my problem.
I know you are only human deep inside, troubling to face your own demons. We all do sometimes. We all have flaws. And sometimes we can get along, and it would be a good time. Deep inside, behind all that chatter and all those layers, we all love one another. That’s why we care.
The world doesn’t need saving. We need to learn how to live with each other. As far as I see, the world is alright for every other living thing, except us. So maybe there’s something wrong with the way we see the world, maybe it’s our own demons that fool us.
And yeah… I am kinda sensitive and perceive things more to the heart than others. That’s my horse, you don’t have to worry about it. I learn to ride it.”
 source: lifecoachcode

THIS Is The Biggest Difference Between A FAKE Empath And A Real One
You’ve probably heard someone calling themselves an Empath and describing themselves as over sensitive.
But most people who use this term are just a-holes hiding behind the terminology.
They have been hurt at some point in their life (like we all have) and they try to justify their weakness by hiding behind this term. It’s like their shield.
They are safe from questioning themselves because they’ve identified with being an ‘Empath’ – someone who feels too much and is here to help the world with their emotions, because everyone else is ruining it. At least that’s what they make out of it.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are real empaths who have psychochemical imbalance and respond to the outside world more sensitively than others.
Because their emotions are a big part of their life, bigger than for other people, their emotional intelligence is slightly higher.
That’s not something they carry on their forehead, telling everyone they meet they are empaths. Just like a person with an OCD doesn’t open a conversation with ‘because I am over intelligent and see patterns everywhere…’
It doesn’t matter if you see patterns others can’t, if you feel too much, if you eat only vegetables, or like to meditate. Being a good person is beyond that.
It demands facing your own demons, not hiding away from them and projecting them upon the world.
And that’s something most people would rather mask, in return creating the bad world they blame everyone else for.

Here is how a FAKE Empath sees the world:Fake Empath

Empath:  One who has a high degree of sensitivity and caring to the feelings of others, to the point it can become a problem. If your client is occasionally saddened by ads about abandoned animals or starving children, it’s because they have a unique and wonderful super power. Please note that one of the most common signs that your client is an empath is that he/she is highly responsive to flattery.
Sociopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of a romantic relationship. Examples include someone who forgets an anniversary, leaves the toilet seat in the wrong position, forgets to pick something up from the store, or has to be told to pick something up from the store.
Psychopath: Anyone who hurts an empath’s feelings, especially within the context of the breakup of a romantic relationship. Symptoms include having different tastes in movies or TV or music than an empath does, or forgetting to pick something up from the store twice in a row.
Narcissist: A person they care for that doesn’t give them equal amount of attention, and is more focused on their self. A simple interaction with them is emotionally draining because ‘Empaths’ invest too much of themselves in the ‘relationship’ giving everything to the other person, and they get abused. The other person might simply don’t care that much, or don’t feel the same way.
Caring and Concerned: What empaths are when they express negative feelings.
Rageaholic: What sociopaths, narcissists or psychopaths are when they express their negative feelings to an empath.
Indigo Child: The offspring of an empath. An evolved soul who expresses him/herself freely and does not like being disciplined.
Demon Child: The offspring of a sociopath, narcissist or psychopath. May occasionally require discipline. Inherently inferior to an Indigo Child in every way.
Soulmate: That person you’ve been on three really good dates with.
Twin Flame: That same person after you’ve been in a good relationship for three months.
Satan Incarnate: That same person after you’ve lived with him/her for six months.

Here is how a real empath sees the world:

“I am a human being just like everyone else. I don’t care who you are, if you are a good person I will like you. If you are not, I won’t like you. But each and every single living being deserves respect, even the ones you hate the most.
You have every right in the whole world to not like me, just like I have every right in the whole world to not like you. I don’t need to judge you, but sometimes I will, and that’s my problem.
I know you are only human deep inside, troubling to face your own demons. We all do sometimes. We all have flaws. And sometimes we can get along, and it would be a good time. Deep inside, behind all that chatter and all those layers, we all love one another. That’s why we care.
The world doesn’t need saving. We need to learn how to live with each other. As far as I see, the world is alright for every other living thing, except us. So maybe there’s something wrong with the way we see the world, maybe it’s our own demons that fool us.
And yeah… I am kinda sensitive and perceive things more to the heart than others. That’s my horse, you don’t have to worry about it. I learn to ride it.”
source: Belief Net via: lifecoachcode

Emotional Connections: 15 Traits Of An Empathic Personality

I remember an instance when I rang the cable company to ask about upgrading my service. After some time had passed, the man I was speaking to had basically poured his heart out about his wife’s battle with cancer.

I never found the information I was looking for, but it wasn’t that important any longer. I had given someone comfort and reassurance- even if they had no idea why they felt the need to tell me this stuff in the first place.
“As much as we notice, consciously or subconsciously, there are some things you’ll notice about us too.”
A very similar situation happened when I was out at a restaurant with my niece. I ordered my drink and the next thing I knew, our waiter was asking me how to handle leaving their spouse. There are countless stories like this for me, but I want to know how many you have.
Marshall Rosenberg, the author of Non-Violent Communication, defines empathy as this:
“In empathy, you don’t speak at all. You speak with the eyes. You speak with the body. If you say any words at all, it’s because you are not sure you are with the person. So you may say some words. But the words are not empathy. Empathy is when the other person feels the connection to with what’s alive in you.”

With empaths, as much as we notice, consciously or subconsciously, you’ll notice a few things about us too.

1. We are accused of being “too sensitive” or “too emotional.”

Empaths are not “too” anything. They feel things deeply- both positive and negative. They are in touch with their emotions, and yours. Though it might be harder for an empath to operate in a world designed for less-sensitive people, being an empath has several positive aspects.

2. We can’t stand being lied to

All it takes is a simple glance in your direction to know you are lying to us. A lot of people don’t realize this, but being lied to really sucks for an empath. We feel it ooze into every aspect of the relationship…and it usually ends them.

3. Negative media images directly affect us

It’s hard, almost impossible, for an empath to “unfeel” something. We avoid the news, and if we see something upsetting, our emotions are a mess for quite a while. Imagine feeling overwhelming sadness and suffering every single time you saw something violent or upsetting on the news. That’s what it is like for us.

4. Crowded places overwhelm us

Empaths exist in all personality types, including introvert and extrovert, but even the outgoing ones are easily overwhelmed in crowds. The sheer force of energies and feelings you absorb is exhausting. You might like going to concerts and sporting events, but once there, you can’t wait to leave.

5. We love to heal

Empaths want what is best for you and your wellbeing. Of course, as with all of our advice, it is only helpful if you actually implement it in your life.

6. We are sensitive to stimulants and medications

Coffee, certain teas, energy drinks, soda- anything with caffeine makes us more anxious and agitated than the rest of the world. And, when it comes to medications, we try to avoid them as much as possible because of the myriad of side effects we experience.

7. We can only be us

As far as honest people go, empaths are the truest friends you could ask for. We know who we are and we embrace it fully. It’s other people who seem to have an issue with our sensitive nature and honest attitude.

8. We experience what you are experiencing

If someone we are close to is ill, depressed, or agitated, we display those same symptoms. We are so connected to what you are going through, that we go through it with you.

9. We don’t like animals, we LOVE animals

Empaths don’t have pets, we have family members. When we see an animal in the wild, we see a soul…perfect and pure. We talk to them in various ways just as you would your best friend, and guess what…they talk back.

10. Tired, exhausted, and fatigued is normal for us

Because we absorb so much from others, we don’t just deal with our own emotional and mental drains, we deal with everybody.

11. If we give advice, take it. If we take the time to listen to your dilemma and give you heartfelt advice, just listen to it. We know what we are talking about and if you ask for our advice and ignore it, well, let’s just say it kinda annoys us to no end.

12. We are easily distracted

Perhaps it is due to our heightened sensitivity to everything around us, but empaths are easily distracted and tend to lose focus. It’s not a bad thing, we are simply enjoying all the small things you might not notice.

13. We can’t stand narcissism

If you are head over heels in love with your reflection, your money, and your ego- just stay away. We really can’t roll our eyes any harder.

14. Certain sounds really bother us

But it does not just sound. Certain textures, fabrics, bright lights and loud noises can really get to us. The polar opposite is true as well. Soft sounds, gentle caresses, and delicate tastes are also highly noticed, but in a pleasant way.

15. We are great listeners

It’s true. You can tell us anything and everything about your life and we will listen. We will take that journey with you and experience all the highs and lows contained within. And what’s even better, is that we hold no judgment over what you tell us. We are there to help you, not to hurt you.

source: corespirit

6 Common Habits Of Highly Empathic & Sensitive People
Have you ever been told that you should try putting yourself in another person’s shoes? Few of us fully understand that phrase because few of us understand what empathy really means. 

Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions and perspectives or views of another person.  Empathy is about understanding and feeling what someone else is feeling without holding to it… It teaches us to respond instead of reacting. Empathy gives us security in feeling. It creates a bond between people and allows connection on a heart level.
Sometimes we are so unknowingly self-absorbed that we often forget that we are just like our family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances – meaning they all feel too.
I was once oblivious to someone’s feelings, and my incapability to grasp it caused a rift between us that only I could mend, once I understood empathy. I then met someone who lived in South Africa and she told me she used to visit the beach every day and always watched the beach vendors – she used to wonder where they come from, and what their story was.
So she began to ask. She went on to tell me how she noticed some of the eyes of the storytellers would light up when she assured them she wanted to know and was genuinely interested. It was then that she learned what empathy was. She heard heartbreaking stories and she has shed tears with her fellow human.
She told me it was her curiosities that lead her to understand empathy and that it has changed her view on the world and people. She also said, “That if you ever want to try and cultivate empathy, you must listen with an open heart and without the intention of replying or reacting.”
I thought about one of the stories she had told me about one of the vendors and when I closed my eyes, I, for the first time, tried to imagine what he felt on his journey to from northern Africa to southern Africa.
It was a weird feeling but I enjoyed it. I then decided that from that moment on I will make it my duty to remember that we are all the same and we all deserve to be understood and respected for our feelings.
According to an article posted on Uplift, there are six ways to cultivate and become a more empathic person.
1. Be curious. 

Be curious about other people’s emotions and try to be genuinely interested in their story.

2. Challenge prejudices and discover commonalities.

Learn how to challenge prejudices while discovering commonalities. A lot of us were programmed and taught labels that place us into a box and this creates prejudices. Highly empathic people look for common ground and things that they share with another, rather than things that separate them.

3. Try another person’s life

Walk a mile in another man’s shoes. – If you find yourself wondering what it is like living in the poorer, less fortunate social margin, do what George Orwell did.  Back in 1920 when he returned to Britain, he became determined to discover what it was like living in the less fortunate parts of Britain.  He wrote, “I wanted to submerge myself, to get right down among the oppressed.”  – So he did just that and documented it in his book “Down and Out in Paris and London”  What he discovered was that the ‘drunken scoundrels’ were not scoundrels at all. In fact, he created friendships with these “scoundrels”. His time among them changed his view on inequality and human nature.

4. Listen attentively and be present.

Being there for someone requires a genuine sense of presence. When we listen we must listen with an open heart. We must have patience and also when the time is right; open up in response to whoever you are in conversation with. Make it clear that you understand and have felt that feeling before, therefore you can relate. Communication is key and empathy is a two-way street. An exchange of energy. Being in the now creates a trust and understanding bond.  However, you just want to listen and understand before you can be present.

5. Using empathy to inspire max action and social change.

According to the Uplift article mentioned above, highly empathic people are aware of something most of us aren’t. Empathy, if cultivated on a global scale has the power to change the world and bring peace through understanding and acceptance.  A journalist from the 18th and 19th century who writes about that abolition of slavery reminds us that, “The abolitionists placed their hope, not in sacred texts but human empathy” They did all they could to try to make people understand the real suffering endured on a plantation or slave ship. It was the empathy of Abraham Lincoln and all his followers, that in the end, abolished slavery. Just as the international trade union movement was started due to the empathy felt for fellow industrial workers with whom they shared exploitation with.  Another example is the TRC – which was a truth and reconciliation council formed after the South African apartheid war. The aim of this council was to allow the family members of the deceased to hear from the people who killed their loved ones exactly what they were feeling. It gave some closure and allowed some to forgive.
6. Be ready to challenge and empathize with things that contradict your beliefs.

We should learn to be empathic towards people’s beliefs that we don’t share. Or to people, we may not even like. In order to be a truly empathic person, you must remain detached from the situation and aware of the feelings and emotions of that moment. Try understanding why the person feels what they are feeling and what drives their actions. This puts you in the observer position and this is a great place to be when wanting to be present and aware.  For instance, if you are a global warming protestor, it might help to try to put yourself in the shoes of the oil company’s executives.  He or she might have no knowledge of what they are doing as they are often not the real guys in charge. So by realizing this, you can strategize another plan to get them to shift towards renewable energy.

Your October 2017 Horoscope Is Here!

October: it’s when the crisp, clean air finally starts to get cool, when the holiday season officially begins, when the leaves turn, and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes start to flow. It’s when we can grab our turtlenecks, infinity scarves, plaid shirts, ankle boots, wool hats, and start layering up for the winter. That’s not the only way we layer up either, as this is the official beginning of cuffing season, when everyone couples up for some extra physical heat, and decides they have no choice but to spend the next five months with anyone who can provide some bodily warmth — regardless of their personality. But the truth is, you might not need someone. You might just be better off on your own. That’s why I’m here to swoop in with your October 2017 horoscope, just in time for cuffing season.
Let’s find out if this is the month you’ll decide to settle down and link up with someone, or brave the winter months all by your damn self like the independent person you are. Who has the time for a relationship when you’re this busy? Remember to check for your sun sign and your rising sign, as your horoscope will always be a combination of the two. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can check it out here. All you need is an accurate time and place of birth.

Aries & Aries Rising
You’ve had your heart set on finding a special someone since the sun moved into Libra in your seventh house of partnerships, and if you haven’t met someone yet, the full moon on Oct. 5 will have you yearning for that special relationship to finally come to you. If it hasn’t yet, you may need to learn a few things first about how to compromise, and how to let go of any fears you have regarding relationships.
Aries are very independent, but on Oct. 14 when Venus enters your partnership sector, your relationship fears will easily begin to dissolve. If you haven’t met your special someone yet, have no fear. He or she is already on their way to you, Aries. Be patient.
If you’re already in a relationship, it seems that Jupiter moving into your eighth house of shared resources this month could mean that you and your partner will benefit greatly from your partner’s income. They could get a raise, or some cash could come in through an inheritance.

Taurus & Taurus Rising
If you have a private project you’ve been working on, or a secret you’re trying to keep, you can bet on that whole thing getting blown wide open around the full moon on Oct. 5, so just make sure you’re ready to own up and accept it.
On Oct. 14, Venus enters your house of employment and day-to-day responsibilities, which could mean that you might start up a workplace romance, or meet someone at a networking event, but since Venus also represents money, it could mean that a work project could be beneficial to you financially at this time. Overall, this month favors relationships in the workplace, with exciting new projects coming your way and the ability to spin things in your favor when it comes to your career.

Gemini & Gemini Rising
Gemini, this month is about out with the old, in with the new.
If the full moon in Aries on Oct. 5 turns out to break apart a relationship between you and a friend, you’ll have to take a flexible approach, knowing that this is for the better. You have so much coming to you that having this person out of your life only makes room for more good things to come. You have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, moving into your job and assignments sector, meaning you’ll have a ton of new opportunities to work with people you love on a brand new project that will catapult you to another level in your career. On Oct. 14, Venus moves into your true love sector and is followed by a new moon in that same part of your chart on Oct. 19, so you can bet on finding someone absolutely perfect to spend at least this winter with, if not the next couple of winters.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
You can expect some professional stress to arise with the full moon in Aries on Oct. 5, but following that, mid-month, your professional worries will start to dissolve as new opportunities will be there to distract you from your job woes.
Venus moves into your fourth house of home and family on the Oct 14, followed by a new moon in the same part of your chart on Oct. 19. Not only that, but you have Mars entering this area on Oct. 22, so pretty much all of your energy will be focused on improving your home life, do-it-yourself projects, and your love for your closest friends and family will be distracting you from any unforeseen changes in your job that occurred in the beginning of the month.

Leo & Leo Rising
Looks as if there is a somewhat harsher full moon in your house of higher learning on Oct. 5, meaning you could be frustrated that some effort you’ve made to expand your horizons could end up coming to an abrupt dead end — or at least it could come up against resistance from your colleagues.
That said, as the month progresses, you have Venus, the new moon, and Mars moving into your communications sector, meaning that any projects you want to begin (even if you want to take a second stab at your project around the full moon time) will go much more smoothly. This is especially true if your efforts are in publishing, broadcasting, or media. Your focus isn’t really on romance right now, but you’re certainly focused on your heart’s desires!

Virgo & Virgo Rising
The full moon on Oct. 5 falls in your eighth house of other people’s money, which means that debts you owe to others might be nearing the deadline to pay up. You might have invested in something lately and could discover that you’re actually losing money on that investment. It appears that this full moon will be an expensive one for you.
The good news is that for the majority of the month you have a sh*tload of planets and a new moon in your earned income sector, so if you’ve been planning on asking your boss for a raise or have been waiting for a major client to come along (if you freelance), then all you’ll need to do is wait a week before you make that money back. As the month goes on, those opportunities to make more money will increase substantially.

Libra & Libra Rising
Happy birthday, Libra! This month starts off a little rough, with the full moon in your seventh house of partnerships clashing with Pluto, the planet of transformation, in your fourth house of home and family.
You might be breaking up with a place you’ve lived for a long time, planning to leave. Or you could have a partnership you were excited about come to an abrupt end when you bring up the idea of meeting your family or starting your own. But have no fear! You will begin cuffing season with the emphasis on loving yourself like you’ve never experienced before.
Having the sun, Venus, Mars, and a new moon in your first house means that something else you’ve been longing for will come to fruition easily… by the end of the month, you won’t even remember what you were so upset about.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Seems like there’s something about your daily grind that has been p*ssing you off lately Scorpio, and if so, that issue will come to a head on or around the full moon on Oct. 3 in your sixth house of daily responsibilities. You could clash with a coworker in a way that causes more of an uproar than you could have planned or expected. Be sure to listen to your gut instincts, and if you need to leave and it’s possible for you to make a change, don’t be afraid to do so.
You have a lot to look forward to, as Jupiter (the planetary giver of gifts and luck) is moving into your sign on Oct. 10, to stay there until Nov. 18, 2018. For the next year, anything you want to do to expand your life will come to fruition easily. Not to mention, the end of the month will provide some exciting opportunities for finding love.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
The full moon on Oct. 5 is occurring in your fifth house of true love, children, and creative pursuits, and is clashing with Pluto in your second house of earned income. If you have a child, you might have some unforeseen expenses come up for their benefit, and it could really f*ck with your plans.
Another possibility is that you could have invested a lot of money on a creative project and that investment could prove a challenge to your ability to make your rent. This will work itself out though when on Oct. 14, Venus moves into your 11th house of hopes and wishes, followed by a new moon and Mars stationing there later on in the month.
It appears that all the networking you have done will be paying off this month as your name will be on everyone’s lips, and they’ll have nothing but good things to say about your abilities. All that word-of-mouth publicity is sure to pay off for you financially.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Let’s begin with the full moon on Oct. 5 in your house of home and family. You might be struggling with a situation at home around this time; either your lease could end abruptly (you could find out that your building is being sold) and you may be forced to move at an inopportune time. On Oct. 14, you have Venus moving into your tenth house of fame and honors though, so if you’ve been working your ass off all year at work, you’re likely to be the first person up for a promotion, and it will be well-deserved.
You also have a new moon in this part of your chart, so if you don’t see a promotion by Oct. 19, this would be a good date to meet with higher-ups to make your case for one. They’re likely to be very receptive.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
This month has a lot to teach you about when to speak and when to keep your lips sealed, Aquarius. With the full moon on Oct. 5, there is a good chance you could overstep your bounds and say something you might later wish you hadn’t said. If this is the case, wait until October 14 to make your apologies if you can help it.
Connected to this full moon in your third house of communication is the new moon occurring in your ninth house of higher learning and education. It could be that what happens around the full moon could inspire you to expand your study in a certain area, and circumstances will be ideal to do so. If you know what you’re talking about, you’re less likely to have your words get you into trouble.

Pisces & Pisces Rising
The full moon on Oct. 5 is in your second house of earned income, meaning that the way you make money could take a hit. This full moon is poorly aspected by Pluto, the planet of transformation and control, in your eleventh house of hopes, dreams, and wishes. It could be that a project dear to your heart could really be draining your bank account, or it could be that your main source of income could be negatively affecting your ability to pursue your dream.
Venus will move into your eighth house of shared resources and other people’s money on Oct. 14, offering you amazing financial possibilities in this domain. Then, on October 19, a new moon will fall in the same area of your chart. You have some incredible opportunities to make money coming up that aren’t connected to your daily paycheck. Be patient and don’t give up on your dreams.

Source: Elite Daily

What Element is Your Spirit? Air, Water, Earth or Fire?

Everything in this Universe is connected and nothing is a coincidence. Often, we tend to forget that we are all spiritual beings experiencing human form and not a human being experiencing spirituality.
We are all the Universe itself expressing ourselves as humans. We come from the cosmos and have within us the 5 physical elements – Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Ether. Ether is more recessive than dominant in nature.
Here’s a basic description as to what and who you will be based on the particular element you connect with, the most. For some people energies of all four elements is intense and they resonate with all four elements.
Everything in this Universe is connected and nothing is a coincidence. Often, we tend to forget that we are all spiritual beings experiencing human form and not a human being experiencing spirituality.
We are all the Universe itself expressing ourselves as humans. We come from the cosmos and have within us the 5 physical elements – Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Ether. Ether is more recessive than dominant in nature.
Here’s a basic description as to what and who you will be based on the particular element you connect with, the most. For some people energies of all four elements is intense and they resonate with all four elements.

Identifying your own element –

# Fire Element
Fire spirits are here to deliver messages to the world. They have an eternal flame ablaze in their belly that always leads them to follow their dreams and conquer all. They do not have to take major steps to tune into their true flame – by being true self simply can create magic, unending for them. They can deliver the message when they are true to self.
When not in balance, a Fire Spirit can become too aggressive and excessively dominant in nature.
When out of balance Earth spirit can become very cold and they forget to hold on to the bigger picture. They are distant and anxious. They need to spend time in nature to find their balance.
# Air Element
Air spirits are present on Earth to bring innovation and vision. Their purpose is very divine and they are natural teachers and speakers. Air elements are strong visionaries and bring a lasting change through their revolutionary ideas and beliefs. They complete their journey through many lifetimes.
Air Spirits are guardians of peace and go at lengths to protect it. They have the natural abilities to solve any issue and resolve conflicts. Air spirits often begin to tune into their awakened selves through prophetic visions and dreams.
When out of balance they can sense conflict and close themselves from the situation rather than dealing with it. They also tend to lose their connection with people and the ability to heal or respond to difficult situations.
# Water Element
Water Spirits are here to heal through the aspects of art, music, and creativity. Highly intuitive, they are very experimental with their creative side and explore it all with an open mind and heart. Water elements are very sensitive to their surroundings and they can easily tap into people’s energy, it also happens even when they are not aware of it. They have a gift of intuition and can tap into other people quite easily.
A water element can awaken through simply by knowing who they are and allowing their creativity to flow freely. A water element is of a non-conformist nature and when forced to confirm they lose their balance and are out of sync.
When out of balance they are left feeling drained and overwhelmed. They become over sensitive and feel depressed and anxious. It becomes very important for a water sign to deal with their emotional side. Shedding that energy residue through tears helps a lot.
Do you connect with any of these elements or more than one? I personally connect with all of them. It is beautiful and empowering at the same time to get a deeper understanding of self.