There are few things sexier than someone who knows how to give a good pash. But poor kissing technique can feel a bit like being sandpapered to death by a pair of dry lips. For some of the signs kissing comes naturally where as for others it’s an area that could use some improvement (though nothing that practice can’t solve). Read ahead to find out how each of the signs kiss!

The Aries likes to be in charge and it’s no different when it comes to lip action. They kiss like one of those epic embraces in an old fashioned movie – there’s lots of action, angles and dramatic head movement. Sometimes however, they need to be taught that less is more and be introduced to the gentle art of finesse. With more extreme rams you may require a neck brace after making out with them!

For a sign that is traditionally stubborn and bull headed Taurus are remarkably chameleon-like when it comes to the art of kissing. That’s because they are focused on the end prize – a second date or commitment perhaps. They adapt to compliment their partners kissing style because they know that if you give the people what they want they’ll come back for more every time.

Cancer is a dreamy and gentle kisser who likes to finish with a bit of bite – it’s kind of a kiss climax for them. In fact, they enjoy nibbling of all sorts whether it be on the lips, ears, necks etc. For a few the combination of open mouth with closed teeth can be a little annoying or even painful – but if you dig it you’ll be sent into a frenzy of pleasure.

Gemini usually hit all the right kissing notes – lips perfectly parted, moist not wet, with their partners head cupped romantically in their hands and an ability to progress from a peck to French kissing with genuine artistry. They tend to be sprinters who keep their kisses short ‘n’ sweet – and they’re so damn good at it they’ll leave you wanting more every single time!

Kissing a Leo is like a game of cat and mouse – and you’re the mouse! They may start at the neck or even the feet and work their way upwards to the lips. They get turned on when their kissing partner plays hard to get, changes gears or pulls away – so be a clever piece of prey. A warning though – Leo can be over zealous in the tongue department – sometimes it can feel like you’re getting the entire insides of your mouth groomed.

Of all the signs Virgo is the one to least likely to go for full on slobbery pashes. It’s not that they’re not sensual or into fore play, it’s just there isn’t enough mouthwash in the world to override their germaphobic tendencies. Don’t expect mouth action if you’ve got a cold or bad breath and be prepared to settle for kissing elsewhere (which can be even more delicious).

Libra loves to kiss and they are pretty freaking good at it too – mainly because they’ve had lots and lots of practice. They often possess the kind of sexy lips and knock out smile that just makes other want to pash them. They can be kinda noisy though – with heavy breathing and random moans of arousal and pleasure coming out of nowhere.

Scorpios are poetic lovers of debauchery who are well known for their passionate kissing style. They don’t like to follow convention so expect all sorts of unusual kisses – butterfly, Eskimo or new ones they’ve composed the evening before. They are exotic kissers who love to experiment – but beware – they can get bored if you’re too vanilla.

Sagittarius are so sexy and funny that they can make you laugh while they’re making out with you at the same time. They like to find those ticklish spots and kiss ’em till you’re driven wild with desire, or they’ll suddenly lash out with some manic tongue action just to get a reaction. Sometimes they can get quite intense as they pash away – but it’s never too long before they break the silence with some sarcastic line.

Capricorn strive to be good at things so they may make an effort to be an an awesome kisser. They are confident yet considerate in their style and will ask you what you like and where you like it. They’re able to give you just the right dose of attention to leave you keen and wanting more. They like to make sure their breathe is clean and usually come equipped with spare lip balm and mints.

Aquarians are smart and savvy kissers. They are delicate yet passionate in their approach and can instinctively tell what their partner will like. They have a great unpredictability about their style that makes it all the more exciting. They like to constantly mix things up and keep things fresh so that you’ll never quite know what to expect.

Pisces kissing style is deeply sensual and artistic. They love kissing along with all forms of touch and are more than happy to kiss on the first date – and often in the first 5 seconds. They long for a deeper, more meaningful connection and use kissing as way to achieve it. They need to be careful however, sometimes they can be so intense that they come off as a little clingy. They just need to make sure they relax and don’t overthink it!
source: zodiacfire
Aries: muscular and passionate, they can kiss through chaos.

The Aries likes to be in charge and it’s no different when it comes to lip action. They kiss like one of those epic embraces in an old fashioned movie – there’s lots of action, angles and dramatic head movement. Sometimes however, they need to be taught that less is more and be introduced to the gentle art of finesse. With more extreme rams you may require a neck brace after making out with them!
Taurus: will mimic and adapt to your kissing style.

For a sign that is traditionally stubborn and bull headed Taurus are remarkably chameleon-like when it comes to the art of kissing. That’s because they are focused on the end prize – a second date or commitment perhaps. They adapt to compliment their partners kissing style because they know that if you give the people what they want they’ll come back for more every time.
Cancer: a tender kisser with a bit of bite.

Cancer is a dreamy and gentle kisser who likes to finish with a bit of bite – it’s kind of a kiss climax for them. In fact, they enjoy nibbling of all sorts whether it be on the lips, ears, necks etc. For a few the combination of open mouth with closed teeth can be a little annoying or even painful – but if you dig it you’ll be sent into a frenzy of pleasure.
Gemini: short but sweet kisses that will leave you wanting more.

Gemini usually hit all the right kissing notes – lips perfectly parted, moist not wet, with their partners head cupped romantically in their hands and an ability to progress from a peck to French kissing with genuine artistry. They tend to be sprinters who keep their kisses short ‘n’ sweet – and they’re so damn good at it they’ll leave you wanting more every single time!
Leo: playful yet savage – it’s all about the hunt.

Kissing a Leo is like a game of cat and mouse – and you’re the mouse! They may start at the neck or even the feet and work their way upwards to the lips. They get turned on when their kissing partner plays hard to get, changes gears or pulls away – so be a clever piece of prey. A warning though – Leo can be over zealous in the tongue department – sometimes it can feel like you’re getting the entire insides of your mouth groomed.
Virgo: fully aware of how much bacteria the mouth harbors.

Of all the signs Virgo is the one to least likely to go for full on slobbery pashes. It’s not that they’re not sensual or into fore play, it’s just there isn’t enough mouthwash in the world to override their germaphobic tendencies. Don’t expect mouth action if you’ve got a cold or bad breath and be prepared to settle for kissing elsewhere (which can be even more delicious).
Libra: just like a peach – sweet, juicy and soft.

Libra loves to kiss and they are pretty freaking good at it too – mainly because they’ve had lots and lots of practice. They often possess the kind of sexy lips and knock out smile that just makes other want to pash them. They can be kinda noisy though – with heavy breathing and random moans of arousal and pleasure coming out of nowhere.
Scorpio: if there’s a line to be crossed Scorpio will do it.

Scorpios are poetic lovers of debauchery who are well known for their passionate kissing style. They don’t like to follow convention so expect all sorts of unusual kisses – butterfly, Eskimo or new ones they’ve composed the evening before. They are exotic kissers who love to experiment – but beware – they can get bored if you’re too vanilla.
Sagittarius: fun, cheeky and with a healthy dose of tongue action.

Sagittarius are so sexy and funny that they can make you laugh while they’re making out with you at the same time. They like to find those ticklish spots and kiss ’em till you’re driven wild with desire, or they’ll suddenly lash out with some manic tongue action just to get a reaction. Sometimes they can get quite intense as they pash away – but it’s never too long before they break the silence with some sarcastic line.
Capricorn: they kiss with confidence and precision.

Capricorn strive to be good at things so they may make an effort to be an an awesome kisser. They are confident yet considerate in their style and will ask you what you like and where you like it. They’re able to give you just the right dose of attention to leave you keen and wanting more. They like to make sure their breathe is clean and usually come equipped with spare lip balm and mints.
Aquarius: their kisses are one-of-a-kind and full of surprises.

Aquarians are smart and savvy kissers. They are delicate yet passionate in their approach and can instinctively tell what their partner will like. They have a great unpredictability about their style that makes it all the more exciting. They like to constantly mix things up and keep things fresh so that you’ll never quite know what to expect.
Pisces: kissing to connect and be loved.

Pisces kissing style is deeply sensual and artistic. They love kissing along with all forms of touch and are more than happy to kiss on the first date – and often in the first 5 seconds. They long for a deeper, more meaningful connection and use kissing as way to achieve it. They need to be careful however, sometimes they can be so intense that they come off as a little clingy. They just need to make sure they relax and don’t overthink it!
source: zodiacfire