These 4 Questions Can Reveal Who You Really Are

We at  We have prepared a short but amazingly accurate personality test.
To carry it out, all you need is a piece of paper, a pen, and your imagination. It will work best if you answer the questions spontaneously, responding with the first thing that comes into your head.
So get comfortable in your seat, turn off your logical thinking for a while, and imagine that you’re swimming in the warm clear water of the ocean.
You dive under the water to admire the seabed and the creatures that live there, and you suddenly see a mermaid. What color is her tail?
The mermaid isn’t the only thing to fall under your gaze. A fish is swimming alongside her. What kind of fish is it? Is it dangerous and aggressive or calm and harmless?
You dive even deeper, and on the seabed you notice a shell. What does the shell look like? Is it flat and smooth or (for example) curved and cone shaped?
It’s time to return to dry land. You swim up to the shore and end up on a beach. How many people do you see there?
Memorize or write down your answers. Are you ready?

source: brightside