8 Things Others Don’t Realize You Are Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened

When we are awakened, we are more conscious of ourselves, spiritually, physically, and otherwise. However, there are a number of things that awakened individuals do that the unawakened individual may perceive as strange behavior.

Believe me we are not discouraging anyone from allowing their eccentricities to flourish. On the contrary, we applaud the awakened individual. However, our endeavor is to bring awareness to your awakening, and in order to do that, we need to show how you should be seeing and interacting with the world around you.

1. You question everything.

While most people accept life for what it is, you aren’t content with that. Instead, you question everything.

2. You are aware that you are onto something, and you are trying to awaken others to that truth.

You can tell that you have discovered something special, and you want to share it with the world. However, everyone is not as accepting of your truth.

3. You see signs in everything.

You see the signs in everything! This could be something as small as an animal on the same path as you to a strange occurrence in your town; you are always sensing the bigger picture.

4. You feel everything.

Somehow, you can sense the feelings of others more than ever before.

5. You trust your intuition more.

You know from personal experience that your intuition is normally right, and because of this, you have learned to trust yourself more.

6. You trust the universe.

You have put your faith in the universe because you know that things will happen as they should.

7. You shift the conversation to heavier topics.

As we become more awakened, we strive for realism. To us, realness is equated with getting to the bottom of every situation, and the only way to do that is to better understand it.

8. You need more alone time.

While your friends and family may perceive this as anti-social behavior, it is actually normal to need alone time. Especially, if you are shifting towards an awakening.
Inspired by an article written by Simon Segal for Curious Mind Magazine. 

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