Your beautiful spirit has a message for you.

Ask of your spirit what is it that you need to be aware of in this present moment, then select the sacred geometric Shape that calls to you loud and clear.
You may have been thinking about changing up your routine, releasing negative habits, and or eating more cleanly. Spirit says that this may not the time to change your diet, your exercise routine or even begin that cleanse you were thinking about starting. Right now there is already a bit of disturbance in your life and to add another shift in your life may be overdoing it and cause you to unnecessarily spiral. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't change things up but rather it would be best to wait a couple of weeks for when you are in a stronger mental, emotional and physical space. You will be more grounded and have a greater chance for success if you were to wait a couple of weeks.
As you are well aware these days there is a whole lot of releasing and letting go of people and or situations that are not in your best interest. The good news is that the shifts and letting go is 100% all the stuff that was weighing you down. During the next 3 weeks keep in mind that all that shifts, changes and released is for your highest and best good. Try to not resist what is occurring in your physical world because divine order and divine influence is at play here. Also, try to keep over analyzing to a minimum.
You will be meeting new people and formulating healthier, more loving and fulfilling relationships. Because of the self healing and awareness that you have been working so hard to apply into your life, you are at a different consciousness level and are in alignment with like-minded kindred souls that have much in common with you on this energetic plane. Enjoy yourself, go out have fun and embrace these new relationships.
Ask of your spirit what is it that you need to be aware of in this present moment, then select the sacred geometric Shape that calls to you loud and clear.
You may have been thinking about changing up your routine, releasing negative habits, and or eating more cleanly. Spirit says that this may not the time to change your diet, your exercise routine or even begin that cleanse you were thinking about starting. Right now there is already a bit of disturbance in your life and to add another shift in your life may be overdoing it and cause you to unnecessarily spiral. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't change things up but rather it would be best to wait a couple of weeks for when you are in a stronger mental, emotional and physical space. You will be more grounded and have a greater chance for success if you were to wait a couple of weeks.
As you are well aware these days there is a whole lot of releasing and letting go of people and or situations that are not in your best interest. The good news is that the shifts and letting go is 100% all the stuff that was weighing you down. During the next 3 weeks keep in mind that all that shifts, changes and released is for your highest and best good. Try to not resist what is occurring in your physical world because divine order and divine influence is at play here. Also, try to keep over analyzing to a minimum.
You will be meeting new people and formulating healthier, more loving and fulfilling relationships. Because of the self healing and awareness that you have been working so hard to apply into your life, you are at a different consciousness level and are in alignment with like-minded kindred souls that have much in common with you on this energetic plane. Enjoy yourself, go out have fun and embrace these new relationships.