1.Changes literally knock on the door! Do not be afraid of them. Even if it does not work right now. Do not let fear overtake you and act boldly! You have to value as much as you can to achieve everything you’ve just figured out.
This crystal serves as a confirmation that you are on the right track, so feel free to give in to the changes that are taking place in order to arrive where you need to be. Spend a peaceful place in solitude, in order to connect with their inner guidance, because silence will navigate to the next logical step to take.

2.Pay attention to your soul mate, if you have it, and spend a lot more time together, complementing each other. Together you will be able to master everything and receive the best prizes. If you are alone, look carefully forward, because the future prepares you for surprises – be careful not to miss, because you can not return it.
To improve the current situation, you are required to adjust to the natural rhythms and cycles of life that lead you to significant growth and improvement. When you improve, you also improve your own quality of life. As you raise awareness, match with the source. This is all you need to know to accomplish your dreams.
3.You have long had to make an important decision. You are a versatile person, so it may be difficult for you to choose from the options that are offered to you and make the right decision. This card advises you not to listen to other people. Listen to your soul, because only she has the right answer. Your soul is very sensitive and never mistakes – you just need to listen better!
This is the right time to clarify your goals, to plan and to prioritize your ideas and ideas. Then take mental, emotional and physical activity in order to accomplish all the dreams you have ever imagined.