What does your future hold for you? Your choice would reveal the future which lies ahead. Pick yours carefully.

#1 Division

If this is the Tarot card you selected then there might be some divisive forces acting in your life looking to play the devil's role. It might be someone close to you who may have an evil eye upon your prosperity and they might seek to create negativity in your life.
You may need to wary of people especially if you are looking to start something new or are trying to bring about a change in your life. There may be someone looking to disrupt the positivity and your peace of mind. Be mindful!
#2 Creation

If this is the Tarot card of your choice then you are about to embark on a creative journey of your life. You would, in near future, endeavor to create something new, novel, and exceptional in the truest sense of the word.
You have a creative instinct which needs a release and your creation would reflect the inner beauty of your thoughts. Your creation would be your image and it would show the zenith of your incredible thought process. All the best!
#3 Closure

If this is the Tarot card you chose then you would, in near future, receive the closure in your life which you may have sought for long. A chapter in your life would come to an end and it would lift you out of the gloom which happens when you haven't found closure.
It may be about your relationship or maybe about the problems you face at work. Either way, things will shape in a way that you would find your burden lighter and your heart softer. A load will be taken away from you and you would finally be able to breathe with freedom.
#4 Beauty

If this is the Tarot card you chose then something beautiful is about to happen in your life. Something will happen which would make you regain faith in the providence and in people. It may be something as simple as a helping hand in your time of need but help will come.
It may also be something personal like encountering the love of your life or spending some great time with the people you love or the birth of your child. One way or the other, something beautiful would come knocking at your door and you would be glad it happened.
#5 Confusion

If this is the Tarot card of your choice then you are about to face some serious confusion in your life. There would be some genuine dilemmas heading your way and you would need all the help you can get to sort them out.
This means that, for some time, you may face some emotional turmoil in your attempt to come to a decision and your intelligence would be challenged. There, however, would be some help available and you would not have to face this period alone.
#6 Sacrifice

If this is the Tarot card of your choice then some sort of sacrifice would be expected from you in near future. You may have to make some compromises and take some hard decisions but you would have to let go of certain things for the time being.
Such a sacrifice, whatever it might be, would be of a beneficial nature in the long run and what you lose today would return to you amplified. It would be about the fact that you can make hard choices or not and your decision would help shape your destiny.
#7 Premonition

If this is the Tarot card you chose then be very alert to strange sensation and weird dreams which may head your way. Be alert to your surroundings and be extra careful with planning your long-term future now. A sign of great significance would emerge and you'll need to pay heed.
The premonition about a future incident would make way to you through dreams, visions, or some sensation and the consequences would be revealed to you as well. Being alert to them would help you deal with them and with a little help, you would come out on top.
#8 Shock

If this is the Tarot card you chose then something shocking is about to happen in your life. A strange occurrence or a bizarre incidence may take place which would leave you stunned, shocked, and somewhat scandalized, even.
It would, however, not entail something serious and there won't be lives at risk but the bizarreness of the incident would stay with your forever. Be wary of events which may lead to unintended consequences and you would not have to worry much.
source: The Daily Net