Crystal No. 1
Although you know that happiness is needed in everything, you are still trying to get yourself done for many things.
Yet none of us are “perfect”, each of us needs the help of happiness, each of us can be very helpful.
There is something you can not do, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you believe and do it, it does not happen.
There is a certain desire in you, something you want to accomplish, and in no way that happens.
It is precisely this desire of yours that will be realized, with the help of the great happiness that this crystal of “happiness” will bring to you.
This magic crystal can only help brave people, fighters, and so will help you.
Although you are very capable, achieving this desire would not be possible without happiness, and you will have the happiness and this magic crystal will be given to you.
All your efforts, your desire, your efforts will be paid off, since you will achieve what you desire so forcefully.
Crystal No 2.
You are a person who wants to have much more love success than she has ever had .You need a person who will understand you, who will respect you and who will love you. For a while, you want one person close to you, because you consider it to be “the right person” for you and to find happiness with her.
However, you do not know how to do it, in no way establish a real “contact” with that person, nothing to change.It is precisely on this plan that you need happiness, you need luck to be able to do this, you should be lucky to get in touch with that person.
This magic crystal of happiness you have chosen will help you in this.
He says that it will not be difficult to accomplish at all, because this person also feels feelings toward you for some time, just did not have the courage to stand up to you. With the help of the great happiness of this magic crystal, she will gather courage and announce it to you, and then you will be able to enjoy together in happiness.
This magic crystal you have chosen will bring you happiness in the plan of love.
It will bring you happiness so you will finally “get” a person who will respect and love you, and with whom you will achieve happiness in love.
Crystal No 2.
What is troubling you is that there is no time to come in with a lot of successes. It’s troubling you to get some success as soon as possible, there is a problem immediately, and that success is like “forgetting”.
You want to come “time” in which you will record many successes, and in which there will be no room for failure.
Want success in the work plan, you want success in the plan of love, you want your life to be successful.
It’s not that you do not bother to get it, but it’s very difficult, it takes a lot of luck and effort.
This “happy magic crystal” will help you to get it all, it will help you to get yourself lucky.
But you must continue to work, you have to be persistent, and the happiness of this magic crystal will be with you, until you achieve great success.
You will soon be given such a long wait, a period of success in which you will have many successes and failure will not be.
With the help of this “happy crystal” you will achieve what you want.
Crystal No 4.
You are not a person who is too stubborn, when it comes to love very rationally and reasonably, you do not allow yourself any mistakes in love.
You were in the past in a very high quality relationship, however, this connection did not bring you as much love and happiness as you expected, and this connection ended.
At the moment you do not have any major events in love, it’s because you never know the person with whom you could get a great deal of happiness in love, you have a relationship for a relationship, but you are the person who expects much from your future partner, so you do not want to To get into the blink of a relationship, you are waiting for the right opportunity.
The magical love crystal you choose will help you a lot, this crystal will help you in such a way that you will soon be introduced to the person with whom you will start a new relationship.
Crystal No. 5
You need help with the love plan right now, you need help to solve all the love problems that you have, in order to achieve a loving success.
The magical love crystal will help you in this, it will help you in the plan of your relationship be much less problem, and be much more happier.
You are the person who is devoted to the success of your relationship, the person you are dedicated to great love successes, but you can not achieve these successes.
The magic crystal of love you have chosen will help you in this, will enable you to achieve a loving success, will give you great love happiness.
Not only will the magic crystal help you to achieve great love success, not only will it help you solve problems, but this magical crystal reveals that you will soon be expecting a beautiful journey with a loved one who will make you happy.